Sign Up for Online Italian Classes, Webinars, and in-person Workshops
our SPRING 2025 SESSION is now LIVE!
April 21 - June 26, 2025
For this Spring 2025 session of “Le regioni d’Italia”, we’ve decided to honor il Bel Paese by naming each course after an Italian region, such as il Piemonte, l’Umbria, la Toscana e la Sicilia.
To view our complete schedule of regular and specialty classes and to sign up, please click below:
First Steps 1 (A1) - Italian for travelers - Absolute Beginner
9- week class starting on Wednesday April 23, 2025 @ 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
If you are a new student of percorsoItaliano, or if you are unsure which class to take, please email us at for a level assessment. We are happy to help you choose the right class level.
For private lessons, please contact us directly. Grazie!
Friday, March 28 at 11:00-12:30pm
La letteratura italiana a tavola: il cibo tra parole, storia e cultura
CURRENT winter 2025 session
January 20 - March 27
For this Winter 2025 session “Gli strumenti musicali”, we decided to honor music by naming each course after a musical instrument like arpa, violoncello, and sassofono.
To view our complete schedule of regular and specialty classes and to sign up, please click below:
Discover a new and fun-filled way to learn the Italian language from Italian natives at percorsoItaliano, a language school in Seattle. percorsoItaliano “Italian journey” classes take students on a life-enriching journey via the Italian language. Students will explore Italian culture and history while learning grammar and vocabulary. Classes are small and lively and include forays into fashion, cooking, art, literature, music, and film. percorsoItaliano emphasizes everyday conversation and uses an interactive method to make learning Italian both effective and fun. Read more about our unique teaching methodology.
Our classes offer an ideal way to prepare for a trip to Italy, broaden your worldview, or experience the Italian language and culture without leaving home. Our students also take classes to explore their personal heritage, learn a new skill and connect with friends and/or relatives who speak Italian. Benvenuti!
“Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione della vita.”
-Federico Fellini
Please read below the information about our Scheduled and Costumized Classes.
Our Italian language program
percorsoItaliano periodically publishes a program of small Italian classes with scheduled days and times for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students. Our three main terms are fall (September/October-December), winter (January-March), and spring (April-June). During these sessions, we offer 5- and 9-week classes for all levels. In the summer, we typically offer Conversation and Review classes.
Most of our classes are held online. Customized and private Classes can be held in person in Seattle, in a cozy, contemporary setting in Laurelhurst, near University Village.
Classes are small and lively; in addition to textbooks, we use our own materials and incorporate conversation into the curriculum. Classes are taught primarily to adults of all ages from diverse backgrounds—artists, musicians, actors, writers, editors, physicians, lawyers, engineers, cooks, college students, and retirees. Classes are also taught to high school and college students.
regular classes
Our FIRST STEPS series, PRIMI PASSI CON L'ITALIANO, is a great way to start your Italian journey. It can be intimidating to start a new language, so we try to make students feel comfortable from the moment they walk in the door.
Because class sizes are small and interactive, students have the chance to ask questions, go over homework, be involved in their learning experience, and foster camaraderie. There are a total of 9 First Steps levels that provide you with a solid foundation and show you how much fun learning a new language can be. We emphasize the importance of immersion and comprehension from the beginning, so starting from the first class of First Steps 1, you will be spoken to in nearly all Italian. Students who come out of the First Steps series can hold their own.
regular class
Our Intermediate Italian series transitions you from a First Steps student to an intermediate one. Students will practice grammar in a conversational setting via a study of different cultural readings. Colloquial phrases and idiomatic expressions will be taught. This is an ideal class for students who have already completed the First Steps series or for those who have a solid understanding and command of the language but want to review grammar concepts in depth.
Let's take a trip with the tenses with TRAVELING WITH VERBS! During this ten-week class, students will engage in spoken and written activities using mainly the past simple and past perfect simple of the verbi regolari e irregolari, verbi riflessivi, verbi modali (potere, dovere, volere). During this 10-week class, students will learn to coordinate the various tenses, chatting, reading, and writing about personal experiences.
regular class
At this stage, we offer higher-level classes for students to engage in various topics and continue their learning.
In the ADVANCED series, students will develop their Italian conversation skills, enrich their vocabulary, and get a deeper knowledge of Italy and its culture through readings, videos, and short film clips from recent Italian movies. During this 10-week session, we will engage in activities that stimulate observation, reflection, and comprehension, progressively improving grammar and language skills through exercises, group activities, and discussion. Students will gradually learn vocabulary and use it repetitively through various creative exercises.
In our NEWS AND FUN FACTS class, students converse in Italian for pleasure while learning more about the diversity of Italy and what it is to be Italian. Students will be exposed to a more communicative approach to Italian (with less focus on grammar).
In this interactive class, brief up-to-date articles and audio will be presented to stimulate conversation. Students will explore contemporary life in Italy through various topics—the arts, travel, cinema, sport, cuisine, and pop culture. The audio recordings allow students to improve comprehension as well as increase their exposure to different native Italian accents. The grammar will be explained through various exercises as students cover the material.
In our ITALIAN THROUGH FILM class, students will explore different levels of conversation and comprehension through film. In addition to viewing various sequences of recently released Italian films, students will complete comprehension exercises, grammar activities, and vocabulary builders to increase their knowledge of the language. Different aspects of Italian history and culture will be explored. This class is ideal for students who have completed the study of Italian grammar and want to increase their knowledge of speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending the language.
Keep up your Italian by enrolling in this interactive conversation class that takes a more communicative approach to Italian (with less focus on grammar). Students will have the opportunity to practice reading, comprehension, listening, and speaking. We will explore Italian culture by reading a short story/article and listening to accompanying audio clips.
customized class
Lessons are typically 60 minutes long. Dates, schedule, and price upon request. Please contact us at if you would like to sign up for private classes.
customized class
percorsoItaliano is currently teaching several private group classes of different levels that are not on our list of scheduled classes. Please inquire below. If the level, time, and date allow, students are welcome to join an existing group.
If you are interested in customized classes, please send us a note below.
Fioritura di lenticchie, papaveri, genzianelle, narcisi e violette.
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Castelluccio di Norcia (Umbria)